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Weeds to Wilderness

Writer's picture: thekatsbellethekatsbelle

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if we stopped using lawn mowers and weed wackers? I have, and I even have a few selected areas where the dreaded lawn mower is off limits. The natural balance of life requires rich biodiversity on all levels, from the soil, micoorganisms, fungi, insects, vegetation, animals, and humans. We can all thrive abundantly when we honor and allow for the unique interconnectedness of ALL LIFE.

Ever since big AG has partnered up with Monsanto and Dow Chemical company, there has been a war on the natural biodiversity of the land (one example of a multitude). The results have been catastrophic; toxic algae blooms making the water unsafe to drink due to the run off from chemical fertilizers, massive cases of cancer all over the country (perhaps the world), E. coli outbreaks in the Great Lakes, mass die offs of honey bees and other pollinators, and on and on and on. Monoculture is a significant part of the problem. Monoculture is when you see massive fields yielding only one type of crop. This usually requires farmers to use GMO terminator seeds from Monsanto that must be bought every year. It is considered illegal and "copy write infringement" to save these seeds, even if they cross pollinate with a neighboring field. The GMO seeds have been created to work with herbicides and and insecticides like RoundUp. (There is currently a class action law suit for this stuff)

The complexity of many of the man made problems can be solved by returning to the simplicity of Nature and allowing her to be your teacher. Everything has a time and a season, each plant a lesson or medicine to bestow. You must slow down and pay close attention, each day and simply observe. The understanding for how Nature coexists with itself unfolds gradually, like the thousand petaled lotus.

In Spring, as everything gradually comes back to life, many of the indigenous plants are too small to identify yet; even a corn sprout can be mistook for crab grass by the untrained eye. You may never know what treasures are already present before you when you mow the grass, because those little beauties were never given the opportunity grow into their fullest potential. Rather, they are perpetually stunted by the sharp roaring blades and noxious fumes of the lawn mower. We can use herding animals instead and allow biodiversity to return, to balance out the pests and diversify our food supply, thereby being more resilient to climate change. Herding animals like goats, sheep, and cattle can clear the land of overgrowth while simultaneously feeding them and fertilizing the land.

In my own garden, I've allowed many weeds to grow in among my vegetables and herbs and still they thrive. I learned that every single weed was a valuable part of my ecosystem, providing food for pollinators, having medicinal properties, or being food for my family and I. We are meant to work co-creatively with Nature, not against it. Co-creation is NOT the same as control or micro-managing. We have never been separate for we are ever one with all that is. Separation is an illusion. Truth is a choice that begins individually, reverberating out in all directions. Allow your weeds to grow into wilderness and may all your pent-up potential awesomeness be made kinetic.

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