My intention in making this material available to the public is to feed your curiosity, imagination, and intuition. We are all made of the same magic that formed the whole expanse of the cosmos. We are stars shining bright as the Sun, if only we could remember. Those who are best served by my work will find themselves compelled to invest in it, in whatever way serves greatest good of all. You will know the purity of my heart through my works.
These are my personal readings. I do not set an intention for specific information when using this form of divination. I simply allow whatever is there to naturally flow from me. Many of these readings are specific to my life and path, however some are of greater significance to the whole of humanity. I take note of the type of tea I drink; different ingredients create a different state of mind and also different pictures in the cup. In some cases, I took pictures of my cups, but in the beginning I didn't. So, for some readings there will only be a description, while others may be accompanied by a picture. There was a period of time when the signs I was receiving were so personal, intense, and frequent (from all directions of life) that I didn't write anything down at all. I was in a state of observation and integration. All of this is leading to something grander than even I can imagine. Future Hathor already knows. She likes to leave me little eggs to find along the way. I love her so much.
Tea Leaf Reading (undated but prior to 3/21/22)
*Hibiscus, Corn Silk, Mullein
-First impression, a beautiful garden.
-large heart next to a smaller broken heart
-Large wand coming in unexpectedly from a distance
-frogs/ toad
- Star
-The large heart is tethered to a string, taking flight into the future. It appears to have once been broken and is now mending, growing stronger, drawing in all the parts of itself, including the small untethered broken heart. The garden is in the shape of a star with whispy tendrals reaching out from the points. There is a kite next to the star. It also looks like a frog. Lobster claw, Smiley face, another frog or toad looking back at the garden that had been its home, honoring what was and moving on in joy. Her tendrels are reaching out toward the wand. It looks as though they will meet in the near future.
Second Cup:
-The garden is in full bloom. There is now one large heart forming that looks like a bouquet. There is a frog on the right side just below the bouquet. The garden is imbued with divine consciousness. There is a dark thicket at the bottom curve of the cup shaped like a house, triangular opening, sacred gateway. The wand is errect. has been drqwn in on the tendrals, appearing to have grown legs! (heart level left side)
I see a goddess, blooming crown, wand in hand, yoni open and receptive.
Very sexy and powerful. Wow!
Tea Leaf Reading: Hibiscus, cornsilk, mullein
(undated but prior to 3/21/2022)
-I see a pentagon, it looks like a house.
I instantly thought of focusing on home and family, this being priority.
I also saw the house as a 5 pointed star.
Second Cup:
The house/barn is there, door open.
I see overgrowth, like Nature has taken over the home and claimed it for its
own.Blooming into the future, seeds of plenty, abundance pouring into the
gable of the house. Tendrals of growth beginning to reach out.
I also saw X Y X and a triangle.
Tea Leaf Reading 3/21/22
Green Tea, Lemon, Ginseng
*I see a box or land mass
*Trash drifting off to sea
*Trash being spewed into space and circulating in orbit.
I heard, "they are shitting from both ends."
* I saw this also as a TV box receiving from the air waves and
projecting programming to us.
Second Cup:
I see a bubbling cauldron bursting with magic. Toward the top is a bird sitting atop an apple.
Ostara Blessing, a bountiful harvest is being promised.
Coffee Ground Reading 3/23/2022
-handle to the left
-dark ring around the top of the cup with a gap on the far side.
Window of opportunity.
*Before beginning the reading, my first impression was that it looked like a black heart.
The grounds drifting away from the top and bottom reminded me again of erosion. Then I thought of the Black Hills. I heard, "The Black Hills are eroding." This made me feel sad. However, there is a window of opportunity that is WIDE OPEN. Something about cream rising to the top, cream of the crop. Where you least expect it.
Second Cup:
-Closed dark ring all the way around.
-Volcanic Eruption
-Third Shaking
-Passion, blowing off steam, explosive, land bridge being formed, Fire Dancer.
-Dark clouds, ash storms
-Pyramid, capstone either missing or above the smoggy clouds.
- Great Divide
-NWO/ Rigidity
Tea Leaf Reading 3/26/2022:
English Breakfast Tea
(one cup only)
Many cluster of bubbles on the center surface of the cup.
I see a big birthday cake with a single candle, it appears to be carried by a guy in a little toy car. The cake is 10X bigger than the car. Maybe the car is just driving by? It's a partly cloudy day.
Tea Leaf Reading 3/27/2022
English Breakfast Tea
(one cup only)
There were clusters of bubbles and the center and edge of the cup. It looks like a cookie jar with a triangular lid being lifted off. It could also be an egg. New life, birth, New Beginnings, sharing, plenty.
Coffee Ground Reading 4/1/2022
New Moon (one cup only)
I immediately saw a bull or goat. The horns are undeniable.
*On this day I was gifted a Nanny Goat and Kid as an early birthday present. Amazing!
Tea Leaf Reading 4/2/2022
English Breakfast Tea
(One cup only)
*I see an egg on the bottom of the cup.
-New Life, Cosmic Egg, Creation, Plenty, Abundance, Spring, Celebration, Seeds, Planting, pollen, Fertilization.
-Tea leaves scattered around the edge of the rim.
Tea Leaf Reading 4/3/2022
English Breakfast Tea
-I see a goat standing on top of the hay or a hill on the inversion.
-A large bird taking off with a basket, picnic basket.
-I see a barrier ring of leaves, like earth, around the bottom perimeter of the cup. Bubble of protection.
-Peace of Earth being brought up to the heavens. The Church bells chime as I write this.
-I see blessings and gifts.
-I got my goats!
Happy Birthday!
Coffee Ground Reading 4/5/2022
(One cup only)
I see a large mass of land with erosion from the sea and a volcanic eruption, explosive, blanketing the sky in darkness and ash.
-Land mass resembles a turtle. Turtle Island.
Tea Leaf Reading 5/19/2022
Dandelion Fluff, Dandelion Curls, Violets, Raspberry Leaf (One cup only)
The energy of this cup made me VERY HAPPY. I laughed while looking into the cup and when I turned the cup around, I saw a rabbit.
-My thoughts were of beauty, how the rabbit symbolizes the spark of eternal cyclical creation and the natural balance of life. The grass and tender flowers and shoots of the land, that are food to the rabbits. They are gentle creatures of the land, helping to hold balance and creating abundance. They are so plentiful that they can even be food for carnivores.
A gift and season of plenty, beauty, peace, and balance.
Tea Leaf Reading 5/20/2022
I see a house with lots of windows and a spaceship hovering above the house.
There is a Grey with his little head sticking out of the ship. Something
is going on, swirling debris and maybe a tornado or energy vortex, something anomalous.
landing gear.
Coffee Ground Reading 6/9/2202 (as written, error or prophecy?)
(One cup only)
I see a large heart that was once shattered into pieces and is now nearly fully mended. The last pieces being knit together and becoming whole once more. Increased strength, vitality, greater compassion and resilience. Becoming open and magnetic. Beyond the veil of conformity. You are your own soul's desire.
went to clean out the cup and saw a huge wave coming on to land; could be literal or metaphorical.
The heart is complete.
Coffee Ground Reading 6/10/2022
(One cup only)
I see a ship with full sails atop a large wave or perhaps nesting upon a large rock or mountain.
I'm reminded of the Ark and also of the epic of Gilgamesh. Something obscured from view yet being faithfully and safely carried through to one's destination.
Divine Serendipity is taking place. This is how you know you are following with the Divine's pace.
I love you.
Coffee Ground Reading 6/24/2022
Cup 1
I initially saw a hot air balloon, now I see a double scoop of ice cream, an arc above it.
I thought of a rainbow. Another thought was a mushroom cloud.
Smoke, duality. Choose. Travel, portal, gateway is in you. Pierce the veil.
Cup 2
The path is laid clear and straight before you.
Coffee Ground Reading 8/2/2022
(One cup only)
A large magnetic heart, fragments of itself being drawn back into wholeness and completion.
I heard, "Becoming one with the immaculate heart."
Coffee Ground Reading 8/3/2022
(One cup only)
A large red delicious apple with a person sitting on top. Projected thoughts, dreams,
ripples of consciousness. The Rune Sowilo.
Coffee Ground Reading 8/4/2022
(One cup only)
Divine Feminine rising up out of the muck. I heard,
"Can't nobody take my pride. Can't nobody hold me down.
Oh no. I got to keep on movin'". So happy! posted to You Tube.
Coffee Ground Reading 1/23/2023
(One cup only)
I see... it makes me think of rain, like mud on a
windshield and the rain begins to wash it away in streams.
A storm, maybe a solar storm.
*This is about me.
Once again there is a straight path. It reminds me of an umbilical cord.
The Storm. I am the world, I am the storm, Heather, Hathor, Hagalaz.
I see the Earth, Yin Yang, a straight and narrow path, easy to see. You are taking on the energy of the Earth, taking on Mother Giaia, becoming the physical embodiment of She.
(I smiled and began to cry.)
Coffee Ground Reading 1/24/2023
(One cup only)
The first thing I see is a MASSIVE Phallus at the bottom center of my cup;
like an erect tower against a white canvas or perhaps a full moon (lol).
I see stairs leading up the left.
To the right I see the figure of a person
looking out at the moon. This person seems very contemplative and unaware of the massive cock sitting right next to them.
At the base of the phallus is a large frog or toad.
Sacred Sexuality. I also see a vulva fully ensconced.
Along the side of the cup I see the figure or side profile of 2 identical
women, side-by-side. They are cloaked with a full pregnant belly. The seed
has been planted, gestation is nearly complete, fruition.
*The Great Rite
*A new cycle begins
*The Great Mystery
A wand, message, text, scroll being hand delivered, traveling by air.
Hagalaz, Wunjo, Kenaz
I am a storm of light and Joy.
Coffee Ground Reading 1/25/2023
(One cup only)
The first thing I see is a massive dragon at the bottom center of my cup. His body is obscured by smoke, fog, or flame. However, you can see his tail spiral around the bottom side of the cup.
There is a pale ring at the half-way mark. Just above the ring in the upper left, near the rim, there are two connected circular dots. When I observed this I heard, "connection link". There seems to be a person reaching out or through the hole or portal opening closest to the rim, a doorway between worlds.
*Transformation Magic
*Space Time Weaver
*Moon Glass