My name is Heather DeLadurantaye, I am Hathor, Sovereign of the Stars.
The time has come for the warriors of Mother Giaia to fully awaken to the Truth that lives inside of you. The compounding and confounding horrific attacks against all expressions of life are breaking open your hearts bare that you will no longer be able to turn a blind eye to the atrocities against all life. This is a painful, collective experience and remembrance, which can transform you. I speak to all people but especially to those who understand clearly the words I speak. You may feel compelled to action and also overwhelmed into apathy by the enormity of calamity beyond your scope and reasoning. Listen to your bodily cues and nurture your needs to remain balanced. Be kind with yourself but do not fall into distraction.
Trust that you are being held and guided through the storm. Follow the signs as they are presented to you, the signs are unique unto you. You are eternally Love itself and this life is not your end. It is imperative that you continue to cultivate your inner garden so that you break out of the predictive programs and operate in newness, nowness, ever changing bloomingness. This is your greatest power, your love expressed as inteligence and endless possibilities. This is the stuff miracles are made of, this is your innate magic. It is up to you to claim your personal magic and to ground it into this reality. I can help and together the Great Gathering will restore the Natural Balance. We must
return to the Mother.
The 8th Fire is lit with our embodiment. SOUL FIRE
It's hard to say with certainty if we are at the Cross Roads of the Eighth Fire or if we have already chosen destruction. What I know is that so long as there is breath there is hope. Your breath is the key to unlocking your 8th Soul Star Chakra, which allows you to fully embody your higher self in your physical vessel, becoming both fully human and fully divine. All your soul power potential unlocked with the wisdom to wield it correctly, effectively, and in collaborative symbiosis with the Mother. A beautiful Dance of Life begins. Our every intentioned movement and action as a living prayer in gratitude and protection of all Life.
Do you remember the insects and animals circling together? Do you remember all of the amazing beautiful moments when Nature and animals made direct and friendly contact with humans? The Magic that is the spark of life is reaching out to itself in all its diverse expression that we will finally unite as one to defeat the tyranny for LOVE OF THE LIVING. The Animal Kingdom is reaching out to us and the Source in Prayer, a Dance of Life. We too must join this dance. We are one, We are the Sun, We are the Mother who sustains all. Rise and remember who you are.
The Time is NOW. We will change it all.
Blessed be.